Make Media Networks Work for You

We've all learned about adding images and fact checking links to follow up on leads for stories, but what about incorporating them within your own enterprise? Your work life is News that someone whom you Report to is gonna wanna

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My Mate

Current Status: Late 30's Single Mother  Semi Adjusting to the Universal Truth that life is whatever Poop your comfy eating and I'll Have the King Crab Legs with this man's Steak Rub. MyMate.. gushings.. {because that's who he is to

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Hair Care {{Naturally}}

Softening Mask Vitamin E-dense avocado is the ultimate nourisher, and it’s already mask-like texture makes it a favorite of Asemanfar’s. In a blender, add half a ripe avocado, one egg, a tablespoon each of olive oil, coconut oil and honey, along with

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NaturaL HaiR CruSh

Ok people, I've done this for ME.. but I'm hoping you'll benefit from my previous lack of love for my natural hair. I've already began revisiting my natural roots.. Now see what had happened was.. After my BIG CHOP... I

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ReVamping The Hair Vlog


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Amazon vs. LuLu For Self Publishing

To re-cap, "The author of the Inheritance series, from the Elements line, is PUBLICLY revising the ENTIRE SERIES to demonstrate her personal editor's eye." "I've enjoyed Fantasy alotta different ways and the opportunity to connect with an audience interested in

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Brkfast debacle

Yesterday I'd wanted a bacon egg n cheese on a bagel.. Today I'd wanted steak egg n cheese on a toasted buttered bagel.. Yesterday I found out my bro'd used all the bacon in his midnight fix and this morning

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