Hurricane Relief & The DeviL May Cry

by November 26, 2012 1 comments

This's been a world wind of edits, inquires, Fema exchanges of service and Hurricane Sandy story swaps {{What Halloween canceled!?}}.. But I'm back to take another seat in front of the screen.
Still feeling the loss of my laptop .. [had no idea how hard I'd worked those keys over.. but this loaner'll do until..]

MyMate's been dropping hints of his desire for the latest Devil MayCry game.. 

{{Set in Limbo City, a younger, non-silver haired Dante comes across "The Order."   A shadowy organization led by Dante's brother Vergil that has been fighting against Limbo's demons. During the events of the game, Dante learns of his true heritage, that of half-angel and half-demon, and is frequently taunted and stalked by the demon Mundus, the antagonisnt of the first Devil May Cry title.}}


Truth be told, I'm looking forward to the action game Play of DMC and the adventure game play of "Remember me"

Formally known as "Adrift"set in the futuristic Paris of 2084,   
The "Sci-Fi thriller", comprises of people able to remix and erase memories with weapons with the allowance of swapping memories. 

Lady J. Charmaine


Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

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