I've already began revisiting my natural roots..
Now see what had happened was..
After my BIG CHOP...
I was feelin' myself for quite sometime..
and enjoyed the 'short hair don't care' phase..
But Then..
... with a lil TLC, my hair began to grow like the flower it is..

It grew faster than I knew how to style, faster than I knew how to protect.. I love my mane, but at the time, I had NO knowledge of how to keep up..
First .. the addition of a child subtracts from my time's perception and the reality of it's passing.
-in other words, I currently lack the hours required to do my normal sit down routine once a week and micro manage my time according to Toddler Girl's schedule.
I'm interested in proving they 'helped' ..
but with the right amount of care and attention,
the same length can be achieved by ANY and ALL.
Now.. See.. What Had happened was...
If you'll notice.. I'd picked out my "baby shower dress" earlier... and as a "treat" I decided to get my hair blown out by La Dominicana..
5 days later.. my Toddler Girl was born..
I'd transitioned for a year after months of no perms, sticking with the TwistOut method like: Two strand twists on damply moisturized hair
and the summer attempt of hot combing..

for years I'd been the victim of creamy crack.
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