April 28, 2013
Damaged Hair
Dry Hair
Fried Hair
Hair 2.0
Hair Care
Hair Update
Natural Hair
Naturally Curly
Softening Mask
Vitamin E-dense avocado is the ultimate nourisher, and it’s already mask-like texture makes it a favorite of Asemanfar’s. In a blender, add half a ripe avocado, one egg, a tablespoon each of olive oil, coconut oil and honey, along with one ounce of water. Pulse until creamy. Apply to strands and rinse out after 20 minutes.
“Banana is a natural remedy for dry, frizzy hair,” says Samira Asemanfar, founder of Santa Monica’s new deep conditioning hair bar, The Broot. She recommends blending half of a banana with two ounces of water, then adding a quarter cup of mayonnaise, a tablespoon each of coconut, olive and jojoba oils and two tablespoons of honey. “The mask should be smooth with no large chunks of fruit,” Asemanfar says. “Strain the mixture in a strainer if necessary before applying it from roots to ends.”
If I got paid a dollar every time someone emailed, Facebooked, Tweeted, or YouTubed an inquiry about how to combat dry hair, I'd have an impressive savings account. Moisture, and the lack thereof, is a very important part of any naturals hair journey, regardless of whether you just BC’d, are Transitioning, or've been natural for years. If you don’t get a handle on moisture, your hair will show it.
: You need WATER. Water is the purest form of moisture it is your friend. So most of us will cowash our hair regularly, right? We rinse out the conditioner with WATER — Fabulous. If you aren’t starting with freshly washed hair, then get your spray bottle filled with WATER only, and give your hair a vigorous mist.
: You need to apply a WATER BASED PRODUCT to your hair. This can be a water based leave in conditioner, a moisturizer, or a water based cream. It can be ANY of those 3.
Glycerine works great for the summer months to help retain moisture in your hair. It however fails to do the same during winter months. Glycerine is a humectant, that means it attracts moisture from the atmosphere to your hair. During winter months it tends to pull moisture away from your hair and leave’s your hair dry because the atmosphere is very dry. Glycerine works great during summer times when their’s lots of moisture in the air.
Do not use wash out conditioners as leave-ins or moisturizers. This will cause your hair and scalp to be very dry and hence cause a lot of breakage. They are made with ingredients that are meant to be washed out.
Moisturize hair at least EVERYDAY with a water based moisturizer then seal because natural hair tends to get dry very easily.
SEAL IN THE MOISTURE Do not forget to seal in moisture with oils and butters such as Olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, shea butter etc. This will keep moisture locked in your hair.
Keep hair regularly conditioned, suggests Women's Healthcare Topics by using treatments such as moisture packs and cream rinses. Use scalp treatments to encourage growth and discourage dry, broken hair right at the scalp. Use a conditioner each time you wash your hair to remove knots and make it easier to handle
Avoid ALL heating appliances such as curling irons, blow dryers, hot rollers and especially flat irons or crimpers, suggests These products are hard on your hair, causing it to dry out and break. If you must use them, purchase hair products to apply to your hair before use to help with keeping in moisture.
Big Chop Nov '09
4 months
... ALthough, from personal experience, it wont make much difference how much you invest in the protection of your hair by protecting your locks from heat damage, the only way is to avoid the damage ALL TOGETHER BY NEVER TRAUMATIZING your hair with any form of Iron, fryer or dryer.
Pass on perming, straightening or other chemical treatments for your hair, as this dries it out and weakens hair. Hair can break from chemical treatments including coloring, preventing it from growing quickly.
Use a monthly, deep conditioner such as a heat pack. Apply the conditioner and leave in your hair for at least 15 minutes, or even better, leave on overnight. Wear a shower cap to protect your pillow and keep your head warm for added conditioning.
Read more: Or :: Watch the Vids
I realized my mistake too late, and now I've gone from a full head of afro-tastic curls,
But I'd already flat Ironed & blown it out it 5 days before Toddler girl was born. Transforming full, springy, coily locks
to limp,
dying, broken hair.
2.0 .. Imma do it again.. from scratch, WITH a toddler girl> --
PRACTICE ROUND----------------------------------------^
<---whewe -----="" are="" in="" length="" nbsp="" now="" of="" terms=""> <---where -----="" are="" in="" length="" nbsp="" now="" of="" terms="" we="">
Where I plan on taking it --- \/
I'm going for Fourteen inches in 2 years.. I believe before my soon to be 2year old turns 4 I'll be engaged. We'll see.. but if this is the case... I want my locks to be MY LOCKS when I rock em down the isle in the musical fashion of my choosing.
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