My Mate

by August 29, 2013 1 comments

Current Status: Late 30's Single Mother  Semi Adjusting to the Universal Truth that life is whatever Poop your comfy eating and I'll Have the King Crab Legs with this man's Steak Rub.
MyMate.. gushings..

{because that's who he is to me.. something more than a boyfriend b/c I have the confidence and determination to work through this right} currently distracted by my work flow.
Ironic right?

"My Mate" - yet though we have not formally mated- confirmed what I had felt earlier that day- 5 years since this girlish gushing began.
I've ruined it.. Perhaps those 2-3 years in we should've cannoned through with the prep for a future of stability together or realized by the 3-4th year it was just a routine.

Lady J. Charmaine


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