\\ Now's the time //

by October 19, 2012 0 comments

The fist Vol. of "The Inheritance" from the
Elemental Series
is now available outside of our tribe.

Interested party members may glance at it, and of course, that's much appreciated... But they may not be as forward with the feedback required to achieve the focus.

I LOVE reader commentation, you always find a way of introducing me to a new perspective that aids in tripping up the followers.

I'll be uploading the prologue and first three chapters for reader/writer/editor/fan/family/critic/interested party review and commentation one after the other.

You'll have the opportunity of seeing them typed as though blogged, the images of each page of manuscript from my home screen..

Only MUCH clearer.. .. I cross this out because apparently I have more than 3 types of font with my natural hand. *shoulder shrug*

Followed by the alternations and edits created by me following the advice and words of those chosen {{and featured within the posts}}.

You as my reader/follower/fan/fam/friend/interested party, will shape this alternative perspective of history.
Making history.

Be witness to the creation of
, a world where "Middle Earth" wields the power of the Elements.


Aid in process of anchoring it.. ultimately bridging both worlds.

Lady J. Charmaine


Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.


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